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CodeIgniter CRUD in 30 seconds

Oh yeah, it's free too!

A few simple lines of code are all you need

Grocery CRUD is an open source library that makes a developer's life easier. Few simple lines of code and you can create a full stable CRUD with nice views. A completely automatic system that even a newbie in PHP can work with! Do you want to know how? Let's start with the installation guide.

$crud = new GroceryCrud();

// Seriously! This is all the code you need!

$output = $crud->render();

Few facts about Grocery CRUD

Simple yet Powerful 💪

The code to create a full CRUD is simple and the result is simple and at the same time very powerful. The simple UI needs almost zero documentation for your client to understand how things works.

Browser Compatibility 💻

Grocery CRUD supports all major browsers including Chrome, Opera, Firefox and yes, even Safari!

Multilingual 🌍

Already translated into 34 languages and changing between languages is easy!

A Codeigniter success 🔥

Grocery CRUD works with the one of the simplest frameworks out there. Codeigniter would be an easy choice when we want a simple and yet powerful framework

Customise everything 🧰

Everything is automated but you are free to change almost everything. You can customize columns, fields and all the operations with a using callbacks.

Themes 🎨

Choose the theme you love:

Big Community 🗣

An active community of enthusiastic and welcoming programmers awaits you! Pop into the forums and say hello!

Database relations 🥞

Grocery CRUD supports one-to-many and many-to-many relations out of the box. Read our great documentation to find out how to add these quickly and easily.

Well documented 📕

Our well written API documentation will help you with any question you may have. There are plenty of example to get you started quickly and easily! That's one of the main reasons that it is the best Codeigniter CRUD library in the world!

Open source 👏

Wanna look under the hood? Grocery CRUD is open source, so you can see exactly what is happening at any time

Install Grocery CRUD in a few minutes

Quick installation guide video tutorial

Video Tutorial

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