In this suspense thriller, the plot thickens as Yancy Butler, who plays the convicted and now released on parole Sandy Dickenson, turns the tables on the crooked prosecutor Frank Sutton- that prosecuted Sandy Dickenson's case for the involuntary manslaughter of her husband. Sutton is in favor of her parole, admitting that Dickenson did kill her abusive husband in self defense. But she must do something for him in return - testify against a mafia king pin.
As it turns out, Sutton uses the "witness files" to prosecute his tough cases as a way to secure witnesses. Then he murders them. In finding this out, Sandy turns the game on Sutton, leading to his arrest and conviction for her murder. The storyline is very creative and unique- there are no dull moments in this thriller. Butler lands a A+ performance in this suspense laden movie.
A must see for all Yancy Butler fans!