Do not see this movie if you are really into performances and acting, because this is not that type of movie. It is Violent! Quite Violent! Yet if you like bullets and explosions and fires and crashes and other destruction sequences, then this movie works. It is a typical far fetched action movie, where the main actor is "SUPERHUMAN", but is really a mere mortal with skills that would make him a superman without the ability to fly ---- no wait I think he does fly in many of the explosions. Plot is almost non-existent. The bad guy --- from terminator II --- is really a bad guy and admits to being insane and acts accordingly. There is some humor regarding the Terminator during a car chase and appears to be intentional, and it is cued so the audience should catch it clearly. There are some scenes that drag out and you can see the bad acting in those, but for the most part killing or getting killed does not require great acting and there is a LOT of that! Overall it is entertaining, if only for all the violence and explosions with neat fire effects ... some almost look like little nukes with high yields. If you have NOTHING better to see, then this is a movie for you.