Most people reviewing here seem to be honest fans of the original show, and it was indeed funny .... every episode. Harry was a treat, and the surrounding cast played off of his humor very well, and he off of theirs.
The reboot uses the device of his supposed daughter showing up as the new Night Court judge. Harry was funny. She has yet to be.
Olivia, the DA, is simply annoying. Her part is badly written and she responds by going over the top. WAY over the top.
The only saving grace is John Laroquette, but he can't carry the show on his own. He's trying his best, I'll give him that. And the idea of bringing him back as the Public Defender was an interesting touch. I hope the show improves, but already my wife refuses to watch it anymore :-(
The laugh track does NOT help. When the laugh track plays for something you found no humor whatsoever in, that's a bad, bad sign.