I love a film that is tight...and this one is. The story moves with a perfect pace that keeps the viewer constantly wondering what will happen next. The cinematography is executed at an extremely high level. The evoking of a Chaplin/Hitchcock-esque style is fascinating. "Show me...don't tell me" is at the heart of the film. Young Sarah Hawkins is prefect for the role and brings an effervescence to the character that has you fully empathizing and rooting for her all the way. Obviously Bradley Hawkins is a directorial force to be reckoned with! I especially loved the juxtaposition of two very different clips that guide the film along while creating some added dynamic tension to the feel of the film. And the maraschino cherry on the sundae? A certain domestic animal eating your favorite fast food. I laughed my butt off! Congratulations to the entire cast and crew...well done.