The cover art may be the best quality of this production and despite the 'rave' reviews obviously posited by contributors to this movie, the viewer must not ignore that the portrayal of law enforcement officers is not even a portrayal of actual human behavior. This is Pravda - meets social justice - meets Ed Wood in its intent, and an audition reel for The Bad Actors Studio. While this movie so badly wants to be deep ~ it just leaves behind a big empty hole.
Technical production is abysmal with very low-skilled cinematography and amateur lighting acumen. The entire sound production from location through post exhibits poor planning, poor execution and very poor technical expertise.
Of course most of the above defects can be overlooked if there is a compelling narrative and the screen writing is exceptional. In this case though, the screen writer, the director, the producers and the production crew should bar themselves from ever working in this medium again. Amazon eviscerates its Prime Video brand with content like this.