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Project Proposal TC-STAR Make Speech to Speech Translation Real


Harald Höge (Siemens AG, Corporate Research Otto Hahn Ring 6, D81739 München, Germany)


SO2: Speech To Speech Translation


The proposed project TC-STAR (technology and corpora for speech to speech translation), which is focused on technology, platform and service development for speech to speech translation components and systems. The components are speech recognition, speech centered translation and speech synthesis. The project is aimed to be  launched as an integrated project in the 6th framework of the European Commission. To prepare TC-STAR a preparatory action TC-STAR_P has been launched to set up the infrastructure of TCSTAR. For further preparation the EU-funded project LC-STAR has been started to standardize and to create some corpora and lexica needed for all speech to speech translation components.


Speech to speech translation, Language resources, Evaluation

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