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Praktikum Mediengestaltung
Dozent: Prof. Butz
Betreuung: Jingyi Li
Umfang: 4 SWS
ECTS-Credits: 3 (BSc) / 6 (MSc)
Modul:Projektkompetenz Multimedia (BSc) / Gruppenpraktikum (MSc)
Termine und Ort
- Zeit: Mittwoch, 12:00 - 14:00 c.t.
- Ort: Thalkirchner Str. 36, Raum 257 (trotz dieser offiziellen Adresse ist dies im Gebäude Frauenlobstr. 7A)
The course will take place in cooperation with the BMW Research Group. In this course, participants will develop a restorative environment based on the idea of soft fascinations that helps drivers to unwind and relax in highly automated vehicles (Level 3-5). For example, a restorative environment could interpret the dynamic flying pattern of a flock of birds in the nature through the abstract visualization. Accepted students will work on the following tasks: searching for one design pattern of soft fascinations, creating an overall concept of restorative environment based on the design pattern, designing and implementing the concept with projection, virtual reality, etc.
This PMG has 5 groups and each group consists of 4 students: Accepted students will form the group at beginning. The cooperation between different majors is recommended. Each group will work on their own different design pattern within the area described above.
Vorläufiger Zeitplan
Hinweis: Hierbei handelt es sich um einen vorläufigen Zeitplan - es wird weitere regelmäßige Präsenztermine geben, die hier nicht gelistet sind!
- 16.10.2019: Kick-Off at LMU PMG Introduction
- 23.10.2019: Kick-Off at BMW
- 06.11.2019: Meeting with Tutor: Analysis of Design Pattern
- 20.11.2019: Concept Presentation
- 04.12.2019: Meeting with Tutor: Implementation Progress
- 18.12.2019: Intermediate Presentation
- 08.01.2020: Prototype Test at BMW
- 15.01.2020: Meeting with Tutor: Prototype Improvement
- 05.02.2020: Final Presentation at BMW
*** Slides for the final presentation and Prototype Files must be handed in via LRZ links before 12.02.2020.
Interested Master students can apply for this practical course via the Uni2Work central registration process until 11.10.2019. Interested KUMM students can apply for this practical course via email until 23.10.2019. Applications have to include the following information:
- Describe relevant expertise, for example from previous courses, jobs and other projects, if any, that demonstrate your skills in one or more of the following areas: design, 3D modeling, animation production, video editing, VR, interaction design, programming. Please also self-rate your knowledge in each of these areas on a scale from 1 (no prior knowledge) to 5 (expert knowledge).
- Briefly describe your motivation for participation in this course.