Lecture Online Multimedia
Lecturer: Prof. HussmannTutorials: Florian Bemmann, Changkun Ou
Hours per week: 3 (Lecture) + 2 (Tutorial)
ECTS credits: 6
Modul: WP5, Multimedia im Netz (for Master Medieninformatik)
P9, Multimedia im Netz / Online Multimedia (for Master MMT)
Language: English
- 22/09/20: The password for the makeup exam is
I_LOVE_O-M-M - 15/09/20: The password for the makeup exam DEMO is ommisawesome
- 25/06/20: The makeup exam will take place as online test at 22.09.2020.
- 01/04/20: We currently plan to conduct the makeup exam of Online Multimedia at the end of the summer term 2020, thus ideally at the end of July, if the situation allows. But, as it is with everything in these times, we cannot preclude further postponements right now. We will let you know as soon as we have further information.
- 16/03/20: Considering all recent government announcements and university regulations, we have to announce that the retry exam will NOT take place on the 9th of April. We will let you know how OMM will continue as soon as we have further information and are able to make further plans. We apologize for theinconvenience!
- 17/02/20: The date for the makeup exam is now fixed. It will take place on Thursday the 9th of April 2020 from 2 to 4 p.m. in the main building, room A 140.
- 09/12/19: Thanks for participating in our survey! After discussing your feedback, we decided that there will be a different exam for MMT students than for other Major Subject students.
- 12/11/19: The exam date is now fixed. It is the 11th of February from 12:00 to 14:00, room M218 in the main building.
- 31/10/19: Lecture slies and audio podcast can be found in LMU MunichMoodle system.
- 15/10/19: All resources for the tutorials can be found in our OMM GitHub repository.
- 15/10/19: To access our Slack channel, you must possess a cip.ifi.lmu.de email address. Please inform yourself here on how to obtain one.
- 15/10/19: Registration is managed in Uni2Work.
- 02.10.2019: Diese Veranstaltung kann nur von Hauptfach Studenten eingebracht werden (z.B. Medieninformatik, Informatik , MMT, ...). Nebenfach Studenten (z.B. Kunst und Multimedia) müssen die Veranstaltung Multimedia im Netz belegen.
Dates and Locations
- Lecture:
Thursday 10-12 Uhr, Amalienstr. 73A Raum 112
17.10.2019 - 06.02.2020
- Tutorials:
Group Day Time Tutor 01 Monday 4-6 p.m. Andre Schmidt 02 Monday 6-8 p.m. Andre Schmidt 03 Wednesday 4-6 p.m. Aleksa Ristic Location: Amalienstr. 17, A 001 (CIP Pool "Luna") Site map
The lecture discusses multimedia services which are realized through data networks (online). Knowledge about data networks is introduced as far as necessary for understanding the lecture, for details students are referred to other lectures on computer networks. The lecture is structured into the following areas:
- Basic technologies for interactive multimedia Web apps
- Server-side JavaScript, Node, Express
- Database integration for Web Apps, NoSQL-Datenbanken (MongoDB)
- Client-Side Web App Frameworks (Angular, React, Web Components)
- Social media and virtual online worlds
- Copyright protection and Digital Rights
- Media Streaming Technology
- Architectures and Signalling Protocols for Multimedia Communication
The lecture course is suitable for:
- Students of Media Informatics (Master) or Informatics (Master) being well grounded in topics of Media Informatics, or Human-Computer-interaction (Master)
- Students of Master MMT - compulsory course in the third term
Communication and Questions
We encourage discussion about the lecture and tutorials via Slack: https://mimuc.slack.com/messages/omm-ws1920
To sign up, you need an email address that ends in "@cip.ifi.lmu.de". The tutors will provide support and answer questions on the topic.
# | Date | Subject |
1 | 17.10.2019 | Introduction & Motivation |
2 | 24.10.2019 | Basics of Interactive Web Apps |
3 | 31.10.2019 | Web Paradigms for Client-Server Interaction |
4 | 07.11.2019 | Server-side JavaScript |
5 | 14.11.2019 | Database Integration for Web Apps |
6 | 21.11.2019 | Guest Lecture: JavaScript Optimization in V8 (by Google V8 Team) |
7 | 28.11.2019 | Client-Side Web App Frameworks |
8 | 05.12.2019 | Digital Rights |
9 | 12.12.2019 | Social Media: Interactive & Critical Session |
10 | 19.12.2019 | Technological Outlook (by Changkun Ou) |
11 | 09.01.2020 | Media Streaming Technology |
12 | 16.01.2020 | Guest Lecture: Streaming and Multi-CDNs (by IRT Munich) |
13 | 23.01.2020 | Architectures and Signaling Protocols for Multimedia Communication |
14 | 30.01.2020 | QA |
15 | 06.02.2020 | Virtual Online World (by Prof. Dr. Albrecht Schmidt) |
Note: Slides & Podcast are avaliable via Moodle
All programming resources for the tutorials can be found in our OMM GitHub repository. Please install all tools listed in the Readme before you attend the tutorials.
# | Starting Date | Topics | Slides | Assignments |
01 | 21.09.2019 / 23.09.2019 | Web Programming Introduction | Slides |
Assignments |
02 | 28.09.2019 / 30.09.2019 | AJAX | Slides |
Assignments |
03 | 04.11.2019 / 06.11.2019 | Advanced JS | Slides |
Assignments |
04 | 11.11.2019 / 13.11.2019 | Web Components | Slides |
Assignments |
05 | 18.11.2019 / 20.11.2019 | React | Slides |
Assignments |
06 | 25.11.2019 / 27.11.2019 | Front-end Tooling | Slides |
Assignments |
07 | 02.12.2019 / 04.12.2019 | Node & Express | Slides |
Assignments |
08 | 09.12.2019 / 11.12.2019 | Databases and Authentication | Slides |
Assignments |
09 | 16.12.2019 / 18.12.2019 | REST APIs | Slides |
Assignments |
10 | 13.01.2020 / 15.01.2020 | Media Inputs & Streaming | Slides |
Assignments |
11 | 20.01.2020 / 22.01.2020 | Web Infrastructures | Slides |
Assignments |
12 | 27.01.2020 / 29.01.2020 | Repetition 1 | Slides |
No Assignment |
13 | 03.02.2020 / 05.02.2020 | Repetition 2 |
- Termin:11. Februar 2020, 12:00-14:00 (Bearbeitungszeit: 90 min)
- Ort: LMU Hauptgebäude, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, Raum B101
- Wichtig:
- Eine Entwertung der Klausur ist nicht möglich!
- Wir beginnen mit der Klausur um 12 s.t.. Bitte seien Sie rechtzeitig da, d.h. spätestens 10 Minuten vor Klausurbeginn!
- Alle Studierende schreiben die Klausur im Raum B 101!
- Die Klausur wird "open-book" sein. Zugelassene Hilfsmittel sind Ihre Notizen, Skripten, Übungsblätter und ausgedruckter Code.
- Mobiltelefone, Computer und alle anderen Kommunikationstechnologien sind strengstens verboten.
- Bitte bringen Sie Ihren gültigen Studierendenausweis mit.
- Falls Sie keine LMU Card besitzen, bringen Sie bitte Ihren eigenen, gültigen Lichtbildausweis mit (z.B. Personalausweis oder Reisepass)
The makeup exam will take place as online test at 22.09.2020.
- Termin: Donnerstag 09.04.2020, 14-16 Uhr
- Ort: LMU Hauptgebäude, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, Raum A 140