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MICRONIX USA partners with MotionPlus

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Special Environments

Vacuum, Cryogenic, Non-magnetic

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Positioners category


Miniature linear and rotary stages with modular drive and encoder option
Controllers category


Modular piezo and stepper controllers with intuitive programming interface
Special environments category

Special Environments

Vacuum compatible, extended temperature and non-magnetic positioning options


News & Updates


Motion Plus Now Distributing MICRONIX USA, LLC Products

Motion Plus Now Distributing MICRONIX USA, LLC Products

Agreement Expands Motion Plus Mini

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Custom positioning solution

Custom Solutions

Have a unique application? We can provide a custom system design for any applications, from single-axis solutions to complex multi-axis stages.

View some of our custom solutions

Patented multi stage piezo motor

Patented Technology

MICRONIX's nanopositioning stages utilizes a patent multi-stage piezo motor to provide the best in class precision, accuracy, and stiffness.


MICRONIX Advantage

Patented multi-phase piezo motor

Vacuum Environments

Most of our products are available in vacuum-compatible versions up to 10-9 mbar. Learn more

Cryogenic Environment

Working in a cryogenic environment? Learn more


Non-magnetic materials, bearings and motor are available. Learn more

PPS-20 Positioner XYZ motion

Nano and Micro Positioning Drives

Piezo, direct drive magnetic and screw driven modular positioners.

Precision Accuracy

Optional direct feedback encoders down to nm resolution provide best-in-class precision

Custom Integration

Need modified standard to complete custom product development with rapid prototyping? Contact us!