Complex III or the cytochrome (cyt) bc1 complex constitutes an integral part of the respiratory chain of most aerobic organisms and of the photosynthetic apparatus of anoxygenic purple bacteria. The function of cyt bc1 is to couple the reaction of electron transfer from ubiquinol to cytochrome c to proton pumping across the membrane. Mechanistically, the electron transfer reaction requires docking of its Rieske iron-sulfur protein (ISP) subunit to the quinol oxidation site (QP) of the complex. Formation of an H-bond between the ISP and the bound substrate was proposed to mediate the docking. Here we show that the binding of oxazolidinedione-type inhibitors famoxadone, jg144, and fenamidone induces docking of the ISP to the QP site in the absence of the H-bond formation both in mitochondrial and bacterial cyt bc1 complexes, demonstrating that ISP docking is independent of the proposed direct ISP-inhibitor interaction. The binding of oxazolidinedione-type inhibitors to cyt bc1 of different species reveals a toxophore that appears to interact optimally with residues in the QP site. The effect of modifications or additions to the toxophore on the binding to cyt bc1 from different species could not be predicted from structure-based sequence alignments, as demonstrated by the altered binding mode of famoxadone to bacterial cyt bc1.
Keywords: X-ray crystallography; crystal structure; electron transfer; inhibition mechanism; membrane enzyme; membrane protein; structure-function.
© 2016 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.