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NSPW 2015

Twente, The Netherlands
September 8-11, 2015

Since 1992, the New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW) has offered a unique forum for com-
puter security/information security research involving high-risk, high-opportunity paradigms, per-
spectives and positions. NSPW seeks embryonic, disruptive, and unconventional ideas that benefit
from early feedback. The ideas are almost always not yet proven, and sometimes infeasible to validate
to the extent expected in traditional forums. Submissions typically address current limitations of
computer/information security, directly challenge long-held beliefs or the very foundations of secu-
rity, or view problems from an entirely novel angle leading to new solution paradigms. NSPW seeks
ideas pushing the boundaries of science and engineering beyond what would typically be considered
mainstream; papers that would be strong candidates in “conventional” computer/information secu-
rity venues are, as a rule of thumb, a poor fit for NSPW. We welcome papers with perspectives that
augment traditional computer/information security, both from other computer science disciplines
and other sciences that study adversarial relationships (e.g., biology, economics, the social sciences).
For NSPW 2015, we especially welcome papers from first-time NSPW authors. The workshop itself
is highly interactive with presentations by authors prepared for in-depth discussions, and ample op-
portunity to exchange views with open-minded peers. NSPW is also distinguished by its deep-rooted
tradition of positive feedback, collegiality, and encouragement.

Further information on the workshop can be found on the following pages: