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A short time only having elapsed, so that time was scarcely given for arranging
and executing those things which they had determined on, the enemy, upon the
signal being given, rushed down [upon our men] from all parts, and discharged
stones and darts, upon our rampart. Our men at first, while their strength was
fresh, resisted bravely, nor did they cast any weapon ineffectually from their
higher station. As soon as any part of the camp, being destitute of defenders,
seemed to be hard pressed, thither they ran, and brought assistance. But they
were over-matched in this, that the enemy when wearied by the long continuance
of the battle, went out of the action, and others with fresh strength came in
their place; none of which things could be done by our men, owing to the
smallness of their number; and not only was permission not given to the wearied
[Roman] to retire from the fight, but not even to
the wounded [was liberty granted] to quit the post where he had been stationed,
and recover.
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