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But those who were blockaded at Alesia , the day being past, on which they had expected auxiliaries
from their countrymen, and all their corn being consumed ignorant of what was
going on among the Aedui, convened an assembly and deliberated on
the exigency of their situation. After various opinions had been expressed among
them, some of which proposed a surrender, others a sally, while their strength
would support it, the speech of Critognatus ought not to be omitted
for its singular and detestable cruelty. He sprung from the noblest family among
the Arverni, and possessing great influence, says, "I shall pay no
attention to the opinion of those who call a most disgraceful surrender by the
name of a capitulation; nor do I think that they ought to be considered as
citizens, or summoned to the council. My business is with those who approve of a
sally: in whose advice the memory of our ancient prowess seems to dwell in the
opinion of you all. To be unable to bear privation for a short time is
disgraceful cowardice, not true valor. Those who voluntarily offer themselves to
death are more easily found than those who would calmly endure distress. And I
would approve of this opinion (for honor is a powerful motive with me), could I
foresee no other loss, save that of life; but let us, in adopting our design,
look back on all Gaul, which we have stirred up
to our aid. What courage do you think would our relatives and friends have, if
eighty thousand men were butchered in one spot, supposing that they should be
forced to come to an action almost over our corpses? Do not utterly deprive them
of your aid, for they have spurned all thoughts of personal danger on account of
your safety; nor by your folly, rashness, and cowardice, crush all Gaul and doom it to an eternal slavery. Do you doubt their fidelity
and firmness because they have not come at the appointed day? What then? Do you
suppose that the Romans are employed every day in the
outer fortifications for mere amusement? If you can not be assured by their
dispatches, since every avenue is blocked up, take the Romans as evidence that there approach is drawing near; since they,
intimidated by alarm at this, labor night and day at their works. What,
therefore, is my design? To do as our ancestors did in the war against the
Cimbri and Teutones, which was by no means equally
momentous who, when driven into their towns, and oppressed by similar
privations, supported life by the corpses of those who appeared useless for war
on account of their age, and did not surrender to the enemy: and even if we had
not a precedent for such cruel conduct, still I should consider it most glorious
that one should be established, and delivered to posterity. For in what was that
war like this? The Cimbri, after laying Gaul waste, and
inflicting great calamities, at length departed from our country, and sought
other lands; they left us our rights, laws, lands, and liberty. But what other
motive or wish have the Romans, than, induced by
envy, to settle in the lands and states of those whom they have learned by fame
to be noble and powerful in war, and impose on them perpetual slavery? For they
never have carried on wars on any other terms. But if you know not these things
which are going on in distant countries, look to the neighboring Gaul, which being reduced to the form of a province, stripped of its
rights and laws, and subjected to Roman despotism, is
oppressed by perpetual slavery."
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