And all through that trial, though we appeared to be defending Scamander, he
was the defendant only in name, but in reality, it was Oppianicus who was in peril, and who
was the object of the whole prosecution. Nor, indeed, was there any doubt about it, nor could
he disguise that that was the case. He was constantly present in court, constantly interfering
in the case; he was exerting all his zeal and all his influence. And lastly, which was of
great injury to our cause, he was sitting in that very place as if he were the defendant. The
eyes of all the judges were directed, not towards Scamander, but towards Oppianicus; his fear,
his agitation, his countenance betraying suspense and uncertainty, his constant change of
colour, made all those things, which were previously very suspicious, palpable and evident.
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