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Galeopsis,1 or as some call it, "galeobdolon" or "galion," is a plant with a stem and leaves like those of the nettle, only smaller; and which, when bruised, emit a powerful smell. The flower is purple, and the plant is found growing everywhere, about hedges and foot-paths. The leaves and stems, bruised in vinegar, and applied topically, are curative of indurations, carcinomata, and scrofulous sores. They disperse also inflam- natory tumours and imposthumes of the parotid glands, and it is found a useful plan to foment the parts affected with a decoction of them. Applied with salt, this plant is curative of putrid ulcers and gangrenous sores.

1 It has been suggested that this plant is the same as the Lamium, mentioned in B. xxii. c. 16, but Fée is not of that opinion. He identifies the Galeopsis with the Lamium purpureum of Linnæus, the Purple archangel, or dead-nettle. Littré gives as its synonym the Scrofularia pere- grina of Linnæus, the Foreign figwort.

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