#!/usr/bin/env python # Show top disk space users in current directory, # while automatically recursing down directories if # there is one obvious directory using the space. # License: LGPLv2 # Author: P@draigBrady.com #Design decisions: # 1. Don't show tree as can only view one level at a time # You could use a treemap, where you can see large files # anywhere on disk. However the size is relative to all # files on disk and not current level, which IMHO is usually # what's required and easier to navigate. # 2. Note I rerun du when browsing into directories. I.E. # I don't cache the tree locally. This is because the # kernel will do this anyway, so why duplicate code & data? #TODO: # hardlink doesn't have to be in the same directory at all, # but since only showing one, then flag warning saying more # than 1 link => do exhaustive search to del all? or just # redisplay next name if hardlink in current directory. # # Set (background?) colour like batt_stat? # # ' in filenames will cause probs from __future__ import print_function from functools import reduce import os import sys import operator cutoff_percentage=5 #The following matches "du -h" output def human(num, power="K"): powers=["K","M","G","T"] while num >= 1000: num /= 1024.0 power=powers[powers.index(power)+1] human(num,power) return "%.1f%s" % (num,power) def print_du(path): dufile=os.popen(('find \'' + path + '\' -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 ' '\\( -type f -o -type l -o -type d \\) -print0 |' 'xargs -r0 du --max-depth 0 -k | grep -v "^0"')) dulist=dufile.readlines() if len(dulist) == 0: #file specified sys.exit(0) filedict={} for line in dulist: size,name = line[:-1].split('\t',2) stat_val = os.stat(name) filedict.setdefault((int(size), stat_val.st_ino),[]).append(name) dulist=None keys = sorted(filedict) #dict randomizes keys keys.reverse() total=reduce(operator.add, [item[0] for item in keys]) found_one=0 for key in keys: size=key[0] percentage = size*100/total if percentage < cutoff_percentage: continue names = filedict[key][:] name = names[0] isdir=os.path.isdir(name) if isdir and (percentage > (100-cutoff_percentage)): #nothing of interest @ this level filedict=None;keys=None if print_du(name): return 1 found_one=1 print("%2d%%%10s " % (percentage, human(size)), end="") for name in names: if isdir: sys.stdout.write("\033[01;34m") print(name, end="") print("\033[00m") return found_one if len(sys.argv) == 1: sys.argv.append('.') print_du(sys.argv[1])