Y i n g d i n g . w a n g [at] ifi * lmu * de, Last modified: Thu Jul 19 14:57:02 CET 2017 |
Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für
Programmier- und Modellierungssprachen
Institut für Informatik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München |
Impressum Datenschutzerklärung Kontakt |
This module Human Computation and Analytics covers those aspects of Data Science, in which humans either produce the data, process and analyze it with the help of algorithms, or in which data is presented to humans by a computer system.
From the area of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), the basics of human perception and cognition, as well as some approaches for the design of usable systems are introduced. The following section from Visual Analytics (VA) covers the visual analysis of data by the human user, as well as some visualization techniques.
The lecture part on Human Computation (HC) gives an introduction to distributed data collection by humans (crowdsourcing) and the processing of data by humans, for example in the form of online games (HC).
Start: | Monday, 15.10.2018, 0 a.m. |
End: | Wednesday, 25.10.2018, 0 a.m. |
The lecture is accompanied by weekly exercise sessions, in which reading assignments are intermixed with „Lab” meetings, in which students develop their own concepts based on what they learned in the lecture and exercises so far.
Reading AssignmentsStudents have to finish the reading of 1-2 scientific articles before the exercise reading assignments session. The content of the reading assignements will be discussed with instructor during the exercise sessions.
LabsStudents will build teams consisting of 3-5 members. Each of the team should discuss the tasks for each lab before the exercise lab session. Each team will give a presentation of their solutions for 10 minutes in front of the whole audience. The proposed solutions will be discussed during the lab sessions with all the other participants.
The list of reading assignments and the tasks of Lab sessions will be annouced a week ealier, before each of the exercise sessions.
See Forum zu Hauptstudiums-Veranstaltungen der Lehr- und Forschungseinheit PMS.
The exam of module "Human Computation and Analytics" consists of
Date | Topic | Slides | Podcasts |
Human Computation | |||
17.10.2018 | 1. Crowdsourcing and Human Computation Systems | Slides also available in Backstage2 | |
24.10.2018 | 2. Games With A Purpose (GWAPs) | Slides also available in Backstage2 | |
31.10.2018 | 3. Aggregating Human Inputs: Link Prediction | Slides also available in Backstage2 | |
07.11.2018 | 4. Aggregating Human Inputs: PageRank | Slides also available in Backstage2 | |
14.11.2018 | 5. Aggregating Human Inputs: Prediction Markets | Slides also available in Backstage2 | |
21.11.2018 | 6. Social and Ethical Aspects of Human Computation | Slides also available in Backstage2 | |
Human-Computer Interaction and Visual Analytics | |||
28.11.2018 | 8. Integrating the human into HC systems | Slides | Podcast |
05.12.2018 | 7. Participation to Human Computation Systems | Slides also available in Backstage2 | |
12.12.2018 | 9. Human Perception and Cognition | Slides | Podcast 1 Podcast 2 |
18.12.2018 (Tuesday) 10-12, Schelling str. 3, S004 | X. Christmas Lecture (surprise) | ||
24.12.2018 - 06.01.2019 | Holiday (no lectures) | ||
09.1.2019 | 10. Types, Tasks, Marks and Channels | Slides | Podcast |
16.1.2019 | 11. Visualization Idioms I | Slides | Podcast |
23.1.2019 | 12. Visualization Idioms II | Slides | Podcast |
30.1.2019 | 13. Visualization Idioms III | Slides | Podcast |
06.2.2019 | 14. Usability and Evaluation | Slides | Podcast |
09.2.2019 | end of semester (no lectures) |
Date | Topic | Assignment | |
22.10.2018 | Reading Assignment 1: History & Terminology | | |
29.10.2018 | Reading Assignment 2: Games With A Purpose (GWAPs) | | |
05.11.2018 | Reading Assignment 3: Link Prediction | | |
12.11.2018 | no exercise session (due to mandatory "Focused Tutorial") | ||
19.11.2018 | Lab 1: Functionalities of a novel HC system as seen by a user of the system |
Lab Topics
Lab1 Tasks Lab1-Team-Katalysts (GWAP: MoleClues) Lab1-Team-MEME (Multimodal Emotion Messaging Estimator) Lab1-Team-Friends (Mental Health) Lab1-Team-HealthLine (Pre-diagnostic for depression & anxiety) |
26.11.2018 | Reading Assignment 4: PageRank | RA04-answers.pdf | |
03.12.2018 | Reading Assignment 5: Prediction Markets | | |
10.12.2018 | Reading Assignment 6: Social and Ethical Aspects of Human Computation | | |
17.12.2018 | Reading Assignment 7: Participation to Human Computation Systems | | |
24.12.2018 - 06.01.2019 | no exercise sessions | ||
07.1.2019 | Lab 2: System Design and UI Elements required by the novel HC system |
Lab2 Tasks
Lab2-Team-Katalysts (GWAP: MoleClues) Lab2-Team-MEME (Multimodal Emotion Messaging Estimator) Lab2-Team-Friends (Mental Health) Lab2-Team-HealthLine (Pre-diagnostic for depression & anxiety) |
14.1.2019 | Reading Assignment 8: Integrating the human into HC systems | | |
21.1.2019 | Reading Assignment 9: "HUMAN ERROR? NO, BAD DESIGN" | RA09-answers.pdf | |
28.1.2019 | Reading Assignment 10: Data Type Taxonomy for Information Visualizations | | |
04.2.2019 | Lab 3: Visual Analytics and System Evaluation | Lab3 Tasks | |
07.02.2019 | Deadline for the final team lab report (no extension) | ||
09.02.2019 | end of semester |