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The Multidisciplinary Preprint Platform

How it works?
Authors upload their manuscript and supplementary files via the online submission system.
Preprints.org editors carry out initial checks on content, decisions are made within 24 hours.
Archived & Online
Preprints that pass the initial checks are posted online, are immediately citable and open for comments.
All Research Fields
Accept preprints from all fields, so your article will always be a good fit.
High Visibility
Link ORCID, SciProfiles and social media accounts to make sure your preprint gets noticed.
Permanent Archiving
Upload multiple versions of your paper: they will all be securely archived.
Article-Level Metrics
Keep track of all mentions of your article counts, whether on social media, in news outlets or citations.
All preprints receive a digital object identifier (doi) to make them immediately citable.
MDPI Topics
(open for submission)
Preprints.org is cooperating with MDPI Topics. MDPI Topics in Preprints.org is a service offered to authors who want to submit to a MDPI journal after posting their paper on Preprints.org.

If you want to know, please see details.
Electricity Demand-Side Management
António Gomes Martins, Luís Pires Neves, José Luís Sousa
Submission deadline 30 April 2023
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Friendly Journals
(open for researcher & scholar)
To advance open science and the fast dissemination of research, Preprints.org is striving for offering more and more free services for authors. This “Friendly Journals” service has been built for a direct connection between journals and Preprints.org. Users can now choose one of the friendly journals for their articles to be submitted to via Preprints.org. If an editor at the chosen journal reads the article, the author will be contacted to contribute their paper to the friendly journal.
  • Time saving
  • Journal recommendations
Preprints.org Launches the Official WeChat Account
28 May 2024
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our official WeChat account, "PreprintsOrg 预印本"! As part of our ongoing commitment to fostering open science and knowledge sharing, we are excited to expand o
Preprints.org Celebrates Milestone of 10,000 Preprints Posted in 2024
24 May 2024
Preprints.org is thrilled to announce a significant milestone in its journey towards advancing open science in 2024. As of today, we have posted our 10,000th preprint this year, entitled “In Sil
Announcement: Winners of the "Preprints.org 2023 Most Popular Preprints Award"
1 April 2024
We are pleased to announce that the voting period for the "Preprints.org 2023 Most Popular Preprints Award" has now come to an end, and the final results are in! The esteemed recognition has been conf
Preprints.org Celebrates a Milestone: 60,000th Preprint Posted
2 February 2024
We are delighted to announce a significant achievement: Preprints.org has reached a remarkable milestone with the posting of its 60,000th preprint, titled "Vegetable Extracts as Therapeutic Agents: A
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