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RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Mysql-ruby 2.8.1 for Ruby 1.9.1 and it's Gems package.

Masahiro Tomita released Mysql-ruby 2.8.1 which supports Ruby 1.9.1, and I create Gem package. You can install by ‘gem install kwatch-ruby-mysql –source=http://gems.github.com/’.


Anyone knows why it hasn’t been released as a gem officially?

I mistaked: Try ‘gem install kwatch-ruby-mysql –source=http://gems.github.com/’.

I’ve fixed your post, but you can now edit your own posts, by the way :-)

this works: gem install kwatch-mysql-ruby –source=http://gems.github.com/

Will this work with the 64-bit version of mysql on os x?

Peter: thank you very much, but how to edit my own post? I can’t find ‘edit’ button or link. Jacob: nobody checked on 64-bit version, I think. If you got an error on that platform, please report it to original author or me (I’ll be proxy between you and him).

kwatch: Sorry - it doesn’t work with x64 on os x 10.5.6. Get the following error:

dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: _mysql_init Referenced from: /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/kwatch-mysql-ruby-2.8.1/lib/mysql.bundle Expected in: dynamic lookup

That is the typical error you get when using the x64 version of mysql. Look here: http://cho.hapgoods.com/wordpress/?p=158

The above post is from Jacob :-

The build with /usr/include/sys/types.h:151: error: duplicate ‘unsigned’ unless I remove this line: #define ulong unsigned long

I am kinda new to this but i had to run gem install kwatch-mysql-ruby –source=http://gems.github.com/ – with-mysql-config=/usr/lib/mysql/mysql_config to get it to work halfway. But I still got the same error as Roman and after i removed #define ulong unsigned long it finally worked.

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