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ix CDN and Open Source 
Gleb Smirno 
Nginx.conf 2014 
San Francisco 
October 21, 2014 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 1 / 1
Introduction to Net
ix CDN 
ix in numbers 
I 50+ millions subscribers in 40+ countries 
I Over 1 Petabyte of data 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 2 / 1
Introduction to Net
ix CDN Net
ix trac 
2014 1H Sandvine North Amertica Trac Report 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 3 / 1
ix CDN Net
ix Streaming network 
Components of Net
ix Streaming 
I Amazon Web Services 
I Website, Business Logic, Customer Authentication 
I Data Sciences, Encoding/Encryption 
I Command and Control 
I Content Streaming 
I Big 3 CDN's (Akamai, Limelight, Level3) 
I Own CDN 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 4 / 1
ix CDN Running own CDN 
Reasons for running own CDN 
I Grow faster 
I Reduce costs 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 5 / 1
ix CDN Running own CDN 
Reasons for running own CDN 
I Grow faster 
I Reduce costs 
I Control the server side of HTTP connection 
I Build a CDN specialized in Net
ix content delivery 
I Put the content closer to a client 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 5 / 1
ix CDN Running own CDN 
Reasons for running own CDN 
I Grow faster 
I Reduce costs 
I Control the server side of HTTP connection 
I Build a CDN specialized in Net
ix content delivery 
I Put the content closer to a client 
Solution: Open Connect1 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 5 / 1
OpenConnect Introduction to OpenConnect 
The OpenConnect Initiative 
Amazon Cloud The Internet ISPs 
Client Client 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 6 / 1
OpenConnect Introduction to OpenConnect 
OpenConnect Appliance 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 7 / 1
OpenConnect OpenConnect hardware 
OpenConnect Appliance 
The big cache 
I 4U chassis 
I Storage 
I 36 HDDs, 4 Terabyte each 
I 6 SSDs, 0.5 Terabyte each 
I Two 10 Gbit/s Chelsio NICs 
I 8-core CPU 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 8 / 1
OpenConnect OpenConnect hardware 
OpenConnect Appliance 
The fast cache 
I 1U chassis 
I Storage 
I 14 SSDs, 1 Terabyte each 
I 40 Gbit/s Chelsio NICs 
I 8-core CPU 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 8 / 1
OpenConnect OpenConnect software 
OpenConnect Appliance software 
I FreeBSD operating system 
I nanobsd(8) based
I some enhancements 
I NGINX web server 
I custom modules 
I BIRD routing daemon 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 9 / 1
OpenConnect OpenConnect software 
Software choice 
I Open source 
I BSD license 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 10 / 1
OpenConnect OpenConnect software 
Software choice 
I Open source 
I BSD license 
I FreeBSD 
I Known to be fast and stable 
I Strong developer community 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 10 / 1
OpenConnect OpenConnect software 
Software choice 
I Open source 
I BSD license 
I FreeBSD 
I Known to be fast and stable 
I Strong developer community 
I Known to be fast and stable 
I Commercial support from Nginx, Inc. 
I Flexible framework for custom modules 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 10 / 1
OpenConnect OpenConnect software 
Software choice 
I Open source 
I BSD license 
I FreeBSD 
I Known to be fast and stable 
I Strong developer community 
I Known to be fast and stable 
I Commercial support from Nginx, Inc. 
I Flexible framework for custom modules 
I kqueue(2) event driven model 
I send
le(2) + aio(4) mode 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 10 / 1
OpenConnect OpenConnect operation 
OpenConnect operation: serve
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 11 / 1
OpenConnect OpenConnect operation 
OpenConnect: streaming numbers 
I 400,000 stream
les per appliance 
I 5000-30,000 client streams per appliance 
I 300-1000 clients per disk 
I Clients request 80Kb-300Kb ranges 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 12 / 1
ix  open source Dealing with open source 
Dealing with open source 
The traditional way: 
I Take a stable, well tested version, 
fork it 
I Develop your product on top of it 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 13 / 1
ix  open source Dealing with open source 
Dealing with open source 
The traditional way: 
I Take a stable, well tested version, 
fork it 
I Develop your product on top of it 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 13 / 1
ix  open source Dealing with open source 
Dealing with open source 
The Net
ix rules: 
I Pull the bleeding-edge version of 
I Push your changes upstream 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 14 / 1
ix  open source Dierent myths on dierent versions 
Myths about development version 
Myth #1: 
Development version is full of bugs 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 15 / 1
ix  open source Dierent myths on dierent versions 
Myths about development version 
Myth #1: 
Development version is full of bugs 
Truth: most bugs are discovered in 
stable versions 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 15 / 1
ix  open source Dierent myths on dierent versions 
Myths about stable version 
Myth #2: 
We will wait for a stable version, and 
someone else will
x bugs 2 
2http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free rider problem 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 16 / 1
ix  open source Dierent myths on dierent versions 
Myths about stable version 
Myth #2: 
We will wait for a stable version, and 
someone else will
x bugs 2 
Truth: No one will discover your bugs 
2http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free rider problem 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 16 / 1
ix  open source Dierent myths on dierent versions 
Discovering bugs in dierent versions 
development stable 
code is hot code is unmaintained 
no API/ABI constraints 
API/ABI must be 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 17 / 1
ix  open source Dierent myths on dierent versions 
More myths 
Myth #3: 
Not following development version saves 
us a lot of time 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 18 / 1
ix  open source Dierent myths on dierent versions 
More myths 
Myth #3: 
Not following development version saves 
us a lot of time 
Truth: some day you will need to go 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 18 / 1
ix  open source Opening sources 
Myths on open source 
Myth #4: 
Sharing code discloses know-how's 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 19 / 1
ix  open source Opening sources 
Myths on open source 
Myth #4: 
Sharing code discloses know-how's 
Truth: know-how's reside in a tiny 
percent of code, or even outside 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 19 / 1
ix  open source Opening sources 
Noble or sel
I We want to in
uence the direction of open source 
I We want to outsource maintainance of our code to 
I We want more eyes to examine our code 
I We want more people to discover bugs in it 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 20 / 1
ix  open source Opening sources 
Noble or sel
I We want to in
uence the direction of open source 
I We want to outsource maintainance of our code to 
I We want more eyes to examine our code 
I We want more people to discover bugs in it 
I And, of course, we want to be considered noble 
givers of code to community , 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 20 / 1
ix  open source Net
ix's commitment to open source 
OpenConnect performance 
I OpenConnect started in 2011 
 10 Gbps per appliance 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 21 / 1
ix  open source Net
ix's commitment to open source 
OpenConnect performance 
I OpenConnect started in 2011 
 10 Gbps per appliance 
I Now, in 2014, we achieve 
 30 Gbps per appliance 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 21 / 1
ix  open source Net
ix's commitment to open source 
OpenConnect performance 
I OpenConnect started in 2011 
 10 Gbps per appliance 
I Now, in 2014, we achieve 
 30 Gbps per appliance 
I Next goal is  80 Gbps per appliance 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 21 / 1
ix  open source Net
ix's commitment to open source 
Areas of focus 
I network stack: sockets, TCP, drivers 
I storage: drivers, UFS 
I VM subsystem: caching 
Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net
ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 22 / 1
ix  open source Net
ix's commitment to open source 
Performance improvements 
I Reducing lock/cache line contention in 
I link aggregation driver 
I kernel socket buers 
I send

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Netflix CDN and Open Source

  • 1. Introduction Net ix CDN and Open Source Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Nginx.conf 2014 San Francisco October 21, 2014 Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 1 / 1
  • 2. Introduction to Net ix CDN Net ix in numbers I 50+ millions subscribers in 40+ countries I Over 1 Petabyte of data Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 2 / 1
  • 3. Introduction to Net ix CDN Net ix trac 2014 1H Sandvine North Amertica Trac Report Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 3 / 1
  • 4. Net ix CDN Net ix Streaming network Components of Net ix Streaming I Amazon Web Services I Website, Business Logic, Customer Authentication I Data Sciences, Encoding/Encryption I Command and Control I Content Streaming I Big 3 CDN's (Akamai, Limelight, Level3) I Own CDN Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 4 / 1
  • 5. Net ix CDN Running own CDN Reasons for running own CDN I Grow faster I Reduce costs 1https://www.net ix.com/openconnect Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 5 / 1
  • 6. Net ix CDN Running own CDN Reasons for running own CDN I Grow faster I Reduce costs I Control the server side of HTTP connection I Build a CDN specialized in Net ix content delivery I Put the content closer to a client 1https://www.net ix.com/openconnect Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 5 / 1
  • 7. Net ix CDN Running own CDN Reasons for running own CDN I Grow faster I Reduce costs I Control the server side of HTTP connection I Build a CDN specialized in Net ix content delivery I Put the content closer to a client Solution: Open Connect1 1https://www.net ix.com/openconnect Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 5 / 1
  • 8. OpenConnect Introduction to OpenConnect The OpenConnect Initiative Amazon Cloud The Internet ISPs video encoding account authorization streaming control Origin Server ISP Cache IX Cache Client Client Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 6 / 1
  • 9. OpenConnect Introduction to OpenConnect OpenConnect Appliance Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 7 / 1
  • 10. OpenConnect OpenConnect hardware OpenConnect Appliance The big cache I 4U chassis I Storage I 36 HDDs, 4 Terabyte each I 6 SSDs, 0.5 Terabyte each I Two 10 Gbit/s Chelsio NICs I 8-core CPU Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 8 / 1
  • 11. OpenConnect OpenConnect hardware OpenConnect Appliance The fast cache I 1U chassis I Storage I 14 SSDs, 1 Terabyte each I 40 Gbit/s Chelsio NICs I 8-core CPU Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 8 / 1
  • 12. OpenConnect OpenConnect software OpenConnect Appliance software I FreeBSD operating system I nanobsd(8) based
  • 13. rmware I some enhancements I NGINX web server I custom modules I BIRD routing daemon Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 9 / 1
  • 14. OpenConnect OpenConnect software Software choice I Open source I BSD license Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 10 / 1
  • 15. OpenConnect OpenConnect software Software choice I Open source I BSD license I FreeBSD I Known to be fast and stable I Strong developer community Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 10 / 1
  • 16. OpenConnect OpenConnect software Software choice I Open source I BSD license I FreeBSD I Known to be fast and stable I Strong developer community I NGINX I Known to be fast and stable I Commercial support from Nginx, Inc. I Flexible framework for custom modules Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 10 / 1
  • 17. OpenConnect OpenConnect software Software choice I Open source I BSD license I FreeBSD I Known to be fast and stable I Strong developer community I NGINX I Known to be fast and stable I Commercial support from Nginx, Inc. I Flexible framework for custom modules I FreeBSD + NGINX I kqueue(2) event driven model I send
  • 18. le(2) + aio(4) mode Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 10 / 1
  • 19. OpenConnect OpenConnect operation OpenConnect operation: serve
  • 20. ll Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 11 / 1
  • 21. OpenConnect OpenConnect operation OpenConnect: streaming numbers I 400,000 stream
  • 22. les per appliance I 5000-30,000 client streams per appliance I 300-1000 clients per disk I Clients request 80Kb-300Kb ranges Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 12 / 1
  • 23. Net ix open source Dealing with open source Dealing with open source The traditional way: I Take a stable, well tested version, fork it I Develop your product on top of it Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 13 / 1
  • 24. Net ix open source Dealing with open source Dealing with open source The traditional way: I Take a stable, well tested version, fork it I Develop your product on top of it Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 13 / 1
  • 25. Net ix open source Dealing with open source Dealing with open source The Net ix rules: I Pull the bleeding-edge version of software I Push your changes upstream aggressively Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 14 / 1
  • 26. Net ix open source Dierent myths on dierent versions Myths about development version Myth #1: Development version is full of bugs Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 15 / 1
  • 27. Net ix open source Dierent myths on dierent versions Myths about development version Myth #1: Development version is full of bugs Truth: most bugs are discovered in stable versions Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 15 / 1
  • 28. Net ix open source Dierent myths on dierent versions Myths about stable version Myth #2: We will wait for a stable version, and someone else will
  • 29. x bugs 2 2http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free rider problem Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 16 / 1
  • 30. Net ix open source Dierent myths on dierent versions Myths about stable version Myth #2: We will wait for a stable version, and someone else will
  • 31. x bugs 2 Truth: No one will discover your bugs 2http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free rider problem Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 16 / 1
  • 32. Net ix open source Dierent myths on dierent versions Discovering bugs in dierent versions development stable code is hot code is unmaintained no API/ABI constraints API/ABI must be preserved Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 17 / 1
  • 33. Net ix open source Dierent myths on dierent versions More myths Myth #3: Not following development version saves us a lot of time Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 18 / 1
  • 34. Net ix open source Dierent myths on dierent versions More myths Myth #3: Not following development version saves us a lot of time Truth: some day you will need to go forward Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 18 / 1
  • 35. Net ix open source Opening sources Myths on open source Myth #4: Sharing code discloses know-how's Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 19 / 1
  • 36. Net ix open source Opening sources Myths on open source Myth #4: Sharing code discloses know-how's Truth: know-how's reside in a tiny percent of code, or even outside Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 19 / 1
  • 37. Net ix open source Opening sources Noble or sel
  • 38. sh? I We want to in uence the direction of open source development I We want to outsource maintainance of our code to community I We want more eyes to examine our code I We want more people to discover bugs in it Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 20 / 1
  • 39. Net ix open source Opening sources Noble or sel
  • 40. sh? I We want to in uence the direction of open source development I We want to outsource maintainance of our code to community I We want more eyes to examine our code I We want more people to discover bugs in it I And, of course, we want to be considered noble givers of code to community , Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 20 / 1
  • 41. Net ix open source Net ix's commitment to open source OpenConnect performance I OpenConnect started in 2011 10 Gbps per appliance Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 21 / 1
  • 42. Net ix open source Net ix's commitment to open source OpenConnect performance I OpenConnect started in 2011 10 Gbps per appliance I Now, in 2014, we achieve 30 Gbps per appliance Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 21 / 1
  • 43. Net ix open source Net ix's commitment to open source OpenConnect performance I OpenConnect started in 2011 10 Gbps per appliance I Now, in 2014, we achieve 30 Gbps per appliance I Next goal is 80 Gbps per appliance Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 21 / 1
  • 44. Net ix open source Net ix's commitment to open source Areas of focus I network stack: sockets, TCP, drivers I storage: drivers, UFS I VM subsystem: caching Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 22 / 1
  • 45. Net ix open source Net ix's commitment to open source Performance improvements I Reducing lock/cache line contention in I link aggregation driver I kernel socket buers I send
  • 46. le(2) kernel memory buers Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 23 / 1
  • 47. Net ix open source Net ix's commitment to open source Performance improvements I Reducing lock/cache line contention in I link aggregation driver I kernel socket buers I send
  • 48. le(2) kernel memory buers I Reducing complexity, structuring code in I kernel owtable I NGINX send
  • 49. le(2) code Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 23 / 1
  • 50. Net ix open source Net ix's commitment to open source Performance improvements I Reducing lock/cache line contention in I link aggregation driver I kernel socket buers I send
  • 51. le(2) kernel memory buers I Reducing complexity, structuring code in I kernel owtable I NGINX send
  • 52. le(2) code I Introducing multithreading in I UFS softupdates Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 23 / 1
  • 53. Net ix open source Net ix's commitment to open source Various improvements bug
  • 54. xes I NGINX core and modules I IPv6 network stack I UFS journaling Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 24 / 1
  • 55. Net ix open source Net ix's commitment to open source Completely new features I Per-CPU statistical counters: I Precise: do not lose updates I Fast: do not use any locking, neither critical sections Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 25 / 1
  • 56. Net ix open source Net ix's commitment to open source Completely new features I Per-CPU statistical counters: I Precise: do not lose updates I Fast: do not use any locking, neither critical sections I Completely new send
  • 57. le(2) implementation: I Doesn't block on disk I/O! I Allows to specify readahead I Allows to deny VM caching Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 25 / 1
  • 58. Net ix open source Net ix's commitment to open source Working with community I unmapped I/O I VM radix Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 26 / 1
  • 59. Net ix open source Net ix's commitment to open source Future and work in progress I cc net ix: new TCP congestion control algorithm I hardware assisted TCP pacing I kernel-side TLS ooad I SSD I/O performance improvements I multithreading pagedaemon I NUMA support Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 27 / 1
  • 60. Net ix open source Net ix's commitment to open source Questions? Gleb Smirno glebius@nginx.com Net ix CDN and Open Source October 21, 2014 28 / 1