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R      MapReduce


    2010   8   28
        Twitter: @holidayworking
        :                   F1
        Java, PL/SQL:
        Python, Ruby, R:

@holidayworking ()          R    MapReduce   2010   8   28   2 / 18


   map          reduce   2

  @holidayworking ()         R   MapReduce   2010   8   28   3 / 18

 1   Map

 2   Shuffle

 3   Reduce

     @holidayworking ()   R   MapReduce   2010   8   28   4 / 18


  @holidayworking ()   R   MapReduce   2010   8   28   5 / 18


  @holidayworking ()   R   MapReduce   2010   8   28   6 / 18

   Google File System   MapReduce

  @holidayworking ()     R   MapReduce   2010   8   28   7 / 18

   Google File System   MapReduce
   Hadoop      Java

  @holidayworking ()     R   MapReduce   2010   8   28   7 / 18

   Google File System   MapReduce
   Hadoop      Java
          MapReduce                      Java

  @holidayworking ()     R   MapReduce      2010   8   28   7 / 18

   Google File System   MapReduce
   Hadoop      Java
          MapReduce                      Java

   Hadoop Streaming

  @holidayworking ()     R   MapReduce      2010   8   28   7 / 18

   Google File System   MapReduce
   Hadoop      Java
          MapReduce                            Java

   Hadoop Streaming

  @holidayworking ()     R   MapReduce               2010   8   28   7 / 18

   Google File System   MapReduce
   Hadoop      Java
          MapReduce                            Java

   Hadoop Streaming


  @holidayworking ()     R   MapReduce               2010   8   28   7 / 18
R       MapReduce

                    Ardbeg 10 Years Old
                    Bowmore 12 Years Old
                    Talisker 10 Years Old
                    The Glenlivet 12 Year Old
                    The Macallan 12 Years

                    Ballantine 12 Years Old
                    Ballantine 17 Years Old
                    Johnnie Walker Gold Label 18 Years Old
                    Johnnie Walker Swing

    @holidayworking ()               R   MapReduce           2010   8   28   8 / 18
iWork           Numbers

 2010/07/01          The Macallan 12 Years                    single malt       10
 2010/07/01          Ballantine 12 Years Old                    blended         3
 2010/07/01          Ballantine 17 Years Old                    blended         6
 2010/07/01          Johnnie Walker Gold Label 18 Years Old     blended         6
 2010/07/02          The Glenlivet 12 Year Old                single malt       4
 2010/07/02          Ardbeg 10 Years Old                      single malt       2
 2010/07/02          Ballantine 12 Years Old                    blended         8
 2010/07/02          Ballantine 17 Years Old                    blended         7
 2010/07/02          Johnnie Walker Swing                       blended         3
                                           (   )
 2010/07/31          Johnnie Walker Swing                       blended         4
 2010/07/31          Johnnie Walker Gold Label 18 Years Old     blended         2
 2010/07/31          Bowmore 12 Years Old                     single malt       4
 2010/07/31          Talisker 10 Years Old                    single malt       7

@holidayworking ()                    R   MapReduce                  2010   8   28   9 / 18
@holidayworking ()   R   MapReduce   2010   8   28   10 / 18

 1   Mapper
 2   Reducer
 3   Hadoop Streaming
     $ hadoop jar $HADOOP_HOME/contrib/streaming/hadoop-0.20.2-streaming.jar 
        -input scotch.tsv 
        -output output 
        -mapper mapper.r 
        -reducer reducer.r


     $ cat output/part-00000
     blended 592
     single malt 783

     @holidayworking ()           R   MapReduce             2010   8   28   11 / 18
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

env <- new.env(hash = TRUE)
con <- file("stdin", open = "r")
while (length(line <- readLines(con, n = 1, warn = FALSE)) > 0) {
  line <- unlist(strsplit(line, "t"))
  key <- line[1]
  value <- as.integer(line[2])
  if (exists(key, envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
    oldcount <- get(key, envir = env)
    assign(key, oldcount + value, envir = env)
  } else {
    assign(key, value, envir = env)

for (key in ls(env, all = TRUE)) {
  cat(key, "t", get(value, envir = env), "n", sep = " ")

     @holidayworking ()           R   MapReduce              2010   8   28   12 / 18
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

con <- file("stdin", open = "r")
while (length(line <- readLines(con, n = 1, warn = FALSE)) > 0) {
  line <- unlist(strsplit(line, "t"))
  date <- line[1]
  order <- line[4]
  cat(sprintf("%st%sn", date, order), sep = "")

cat output/part-00000
2010/07/01 25
2010/07/02 42
2010/07/03 39

2010/07/29 17
2010/07/30 45
2010/07/31 47

@holidayworking ()            R   MapReduce            2010   8   28   13 / 18
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

con <- file("stdin", open = "r")
while (length(line <- readLines(con, n = 1, warn = FALSE)) > 0) {
  line <- unlist(strsplit(line, "t"))
  brand <- line[2]
  order <- line[4]
  cat(sprintf("%st%sn", brand, order), sep = "")

$ cat output/part-00000
Ardbeg 10 Years Old 166
Ballantine 12 Years Old 142
Ballantine 17 Years Old 150
Bowmore 12 Years Old 149
Johnnie Walker Gold Label 18 Years Old 176
Johnnie Walker Swing 124
Talisker 10 Years Old 176
The Glenlivet 12 Year Old 164
The Macallan 12 Years 128
@holidayworking ()           R    MapReduce            2010   8   28   14 / 18
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

con <- file("stdin", open = "r")
while (length(line <- readLines(con, n = 1, warn = FALSE)) > 0) {
  line <- unlist(strsplit(line, "t"))
  type <- line[3]
  order <- line[4]
  cat(sprintf("%st%sn", type, order), sep = "")

$ cat output/part-00000
blended 592
single malt 783

@holidayworking ()           R   MapReduce             2010   8   28   15 / 18
MapReduce :

@holidayworking ()   R   MapReduce   2010   8   28   16 / 18
MapReduce :

Hadoop : Google File System       MapReduce

@holidayworking ()     R   MapReduce          2010   8   28   16 / 18
MapReduce :

Hadoop : Google File System        MapReduce

Hadoop Streaming               R       MapReduce

@holidayworking ()     R   MapReduce           2010   8   28   16 / 18
@holidayworking ()   R   MapReduce   2010   8   28   17 / 18
Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat.
Mapreduce: Simplified data processing on large clusters.
OSDI’04: Sixth Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation, 2004.
Tom White.

@holidayworking ()              R   MapReduce                2010   8   28      18 / 18

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  • 25. Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat. Mapreduce: Simplified data processing on large clusters. OSDI’04: Sixth Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation, 2004. Tom White. Hadoop. . @holidayworking () R MapReduce 2010 8 28 18 / 18