This document describes using in-place computing on PostgreSQL to perform statistical analysis directly on data stored in a PostgreSQL database. Key points include:
- An F-test is used to compare the variances of accelerometer data from different phone models (Nexus 4 and S3 Mini) and activities (walking and biking).
- Performing the F-test directly in PostgreSQL via SQL queries is faster than exporting the data to an R script, as it avoids the overhead of data transfer.
- PG-Strom, an extension for PostgreSQL, is used to generate CUDA code on-the-fly to parallelize the variance calculations on a GPU, further speeding up the F-test.
The document discusses PG-Strom, an open source project that uses GPU acceleration for PostgreSQL. PG-Strom allows for automatic generation of GPU code from SQL queries, enabling transparent acceleration of operations like WHERE clauses, JOINs, and GROUP BY through thousands of GPU cores. It introduces PL/CUDA, which allows users to write custom CUDA kernels and integrate them with PostgreSQL for manual optimization of complex algorithms. A case study on k-nearest neighbor similarity search for drug discovery is presented to demonstrate PG-Strom's ability to accelerate computational workloads through GPU processing.
This document describes using in-place computing on PostgreSQL to perform statistical analysis directly on data stored in a PostgreSQL database. Key points include:
- An F-test is used to compare the variances of accelerometer data from different phone models (Nexus 4 and S3 Mini) and activities (walking and biking).
- Performing the F-test directly in PostgreSQL via SQL queries is faster than exporting the data to an R script, as it avoids the overhead of data transfer.
- PG-Strom, an extension for PostgreSQL, is used to generate CUDA code on-the-fly to parallelize the variance calculations on a GPU, further speeding up the F-test.
The document discusses PG-Strom, an open source project that uses GPU acceleration for PostgreSQL. PG-Strom allows for automatic generation of GPU code from SQL queries, enabling transparent acceleration of operations like WHERE clauses, JOINs, and GROUP BY through thousands of GPU cores. It introduces PL/CUDA, which allows users to write custom CUDA kernels and integrate them with PostgreSQL for manual optimization of complex algorithms. A case study on k-nearest neighbor similarity search for drug discovery is presented to demonstrate PG-Strom's ability to accelerate computational workloads through GPU processing.
This document discusses using GPUs and SSDs to accelerate PostgreSQL queries. It introduces PG-Strom, a project that generates CUDA code from SQL to execute queries massively in parallel on GPUs. The document proposes enhancing PG-Strom to directly transfer data from SSDs to GPUs without going through CPU/RAM, in order to filter and join tuples during loading for further acceleration. Challenges include improving the NVIDIA driver for NVMe devices and tracking shared buffer usage to avoid unnecessary transfers. The goal is to maximize query performance by leveraging the high bandwidth and parallelism of GPUs and SSDs.
UX, ethnography and possibilities: for Libraries, Museums and ArchivesNed Potter
1) The document discusses how the University of York Library has used various user experience (UX) techniques like ethnographic observation and interviews to better understand user needs and behaviors.
2) Some changes implemented based on UX findings include installing hot water taps, changing hours, and adding blankets - aimed at improving the small details of user experience.
3) The presentation encourages other libraries, archives and museums to try incorporating UX techniques like behavioral mapping and cognitive interviews to inform design changes that enhance services for users.
The document discusses designing teams and processes to adapt to changing needs. It recommends structuring teams so members can work within their competencies and across projects fluidly with clear roles and expectations. The design process should support the team and their work, and be flexible enough to change with team, organization, and project needs. An effective team culture builds an environment where members feel free to be themselves, voice opinions, and feel supported.
An immersive workshop at General Assembly, SF. I typically teach this workshop at General Assembly, San Francisco. To see a list of my upcoming classes, visit
I also teach this workshop as a private lunch-and-learn or half-day immersive session for corporate clients. To learn more about pricing and availability, please contact me at
3 Things Every Sales Team Needs to Be Thinking About in 2017Drift
Thinking about your sales team's goals for 2017? Drift's VP of Sales shares 3 things you can do to improve conversion rates and drive more revenue.
Read the full story on the Drift blog here:
How to Become a Thought Leader in Your NicheLeslie Samuel
Are bloggers thought leaders? Here are some tips on how you can become one. Provide great value, put awesome content out there on a regular basis, and help others.
This document summarizes an internship project using deep reinforcement learning to develop an agent that can automatically park a car simulator. The agent takes input from virtual cameras mounted on the car and uses a DQN network to learn which actions to take to reach a parking goal. Several agent configurations were tested, with the three-camera subjective view agent showing the most success after modifications to the reward function and task difficulty via curriculum learning. While the agent could sometimes learn to park, the learning was not always stable, indicating further refinement is needed to the deep RL approach for this automatic parking task.
[db tech showcase Tokyo 2014] D21: Postgres Plus Advanced Serverはここが使える&9.4新機...Insight Technology, Inc.
日本でも徐々に浸透してきたPostgres Plus Advanced Server (PPAS)。PPASが備えている実用的な機能を2014年末にリリース予定の最新版9.4の新機能を交えて、コミュニティ版PostgreSQLと比較しながら解説します。
This document discusses using HyperLogLog (HLL) to estimate cardinality for count(distinct) queries in PostgreSQL.
HLL is an algorithm that uses constant memory to estimate the number of unique elements in a large set. It works by mapping elements to registers in a bitmap and tracking the number of leading zeros in each hash value. The harmonic mean of these counts is used to estimate cardinality.
PG-Strom implements HLL in PostgreSQL to enable fast count(distinct) queries on GPUs. On a table with 60 million rows and 87GB in size, HLL estimated the distinct count within 0.3% accuracy in just 9 seconds, over 40x faster than the regular count(distinct).
PG-Strom is an extension of PostgreSQL that utilizes GPUs and NVMe SSDs to enable terabyte-scale data processing and in-database analytics. It features SSD-to-GPU Direct SQL, which loads data directly from NVMe SSDs to GPUs using RDMA, bypassing CPU and RAM. This improves query performance by reducing I/O traffic over the PCIe bus. PG-Strom also uses Apache Arrow columnar storage format to further boost performance by transferring only referenced columns and enabling vector processing on GPUs. Benchmark results show PG-Strom can process over a billion rows per second on a simple 1U server configuration with an NVIDIA GPU and multiple NVMe SSDs.
This document provides an introduction to HeteroDB, Inc. and its chief architect, KaiGai Kohei. It discusses PG-Strom, an open source PostgreSQL extension developed by HeteroDB for high performance data processing using heterogeneous architectures like GPUs. PG-Strom uses techniques like SSD-to-GPU direct data transfer and a columnar data store to accelerate analytics and reporting workloads on terabyte-scale log data using GPUs and NVMe SSDs. Benchmark results show PG-Strom can process terabyte workloads at throughput nearing the hardware limit of the storage and network infrastructure.
PL/CUDA allows writing user-defined functions in CUDA C that can run on a GPU. This provides benefits for analytics workloads that can utilize thousands of GPU cores and wide memory bandwidth. A sample logistic regression implementation in PL/CUDA showed a 350x speedup compared to a CPU-based implementation in MADLib. Logistic regression performs binary classification by estimating weights for explanatory variables and intercept through iterative updates. This is well-suited to parallelization on a GPU.
1) The document describes a presentation on using SSD-to-GPU direct SQL to accelerate PostgreSQL by bypassing CPU/RAM and loading data directly from NVMe SSD to GPU.
2) Benchmark results show the technique achieved query execution performance up to 13.5GB/s, close to the raw I/O limitation of the hardware configuration.
3) One challenge discussed is performing partition-wise joins efficiently across multiple SSDs and GPUs to avoid gathering large results sets.
20181116 Massive Log Processing using I/O optimized PostgreSQLKohei KaiGai
The document describes a technology called PG-Strom that uses GPU acceleration to optimize I/O performance for PostgreSQL. PG-Strom allows data to be transferred directly from NVMe SSDs to the GPU over the PCIe bus, bypassing the CPU and RAM. This reduces data movement and allows PostgreSQL queries to be partially executed directly on the GPU. Benchmark results show the approach can achieve throughput close to the theoretical hardware limits for a single server configuration processing large datasets.
The document describes benchmark results achieved by using NVMe SSDs and GPU acceleration to improve the performance of PostgreSQL beyond typical limitations. A benchmark was run using 13 queries on a 1055GB dataset with PostgreSQL v11beta3 + PG-Strom v2.1. This achieved a maximum query execution throughput of 13.5GB/s. PG-Strom is an extension module that uses thousands of GPU cores and wide-band memory to accelerate SQL workloads. It generates GPU code from SQL and executes queries directly on the GPU, bypassing data transfers between CPU and GPU to improve performance.
This document discusses using PostgreSQL and GPU acceleration to build a machine learning platform. It describes HeteroDB, which provides database and analytics acceleration using GPUs. It outlines how PostgreSQL's foreign data wrapper Gstore_fdw manages persistent GPU device memory, allowing data to remain on the GPU between queries for faster analytics. Gstore_fdw also enables inter-process data collaboration by allowing processes to share access to GPU memory using IPC handles. This facilitates integrating PostgreSQL with external analytics code in languages like Python.
PostgreSQL Conference Japan - LT: SQL+GPU+SSD=∞9
PCI-Eダイレクト接続タイプのSSD – 低レイテンシと広帯域が特長
Intel SSD 750
Ultrastar SN100
SSD DC P3700
10. 解析系クエリ実行時のデータフロー
① ストレージ CPU/RAMへデータをロード
PostgreSQL Conference Japan - LT: SQL+GPU+SSD=∞10
11. 解析系クエリ実行時のデータフロー
① ストレージ CPU/RAMへデータをロード
② 条件句で行をフィルタリング(Select)
PostgreSQL Conference Japan - LT: SQL+GPU+SSD=∞11
12. 解析系クエリ実行時のデータフロー
① ストレージ CPU/RAMへデータをロード
② 条件句で行をフィルタリング(Select)
③ 参照されない列を除去(Projection)
PostgreSQL Conference Japan - LT: SQL+GPU+SSD=∞12
13. CPUの仕事
① ストレージ CPU/RAMへデータをロード
② 条件句で行をフィルタリング(Select)
③ 参照されない列を除去(Projection)
④ 他のテーブルと結合(Join)
PostgreSQL Conference Japan - LT: SQL+GPU+SSD=∞13