Statistical and Computational Theories of Vision
-- Modeling, Learning, Computing, and Sampling
Selected papers are published in two special issues of
Int'l Journal of Computer Vision
1st Issue in October 2000 and 2nd Issue in January 2001.
Proc. of IEEE workshop on Statistical and
Computational Theories of Vision, Fort Collins, Co, June, 1999
Donald Geman and Alexey Koloydenko
Ann Lee and David Mumford
Javier Portilla and Eero Simoncelli
A. Desolneux, L. Moisan and J. M. Morel
Bill Freeman and Egon Pasztor
Artur Fridman
Francois Fleuret and Donald Geman
Matthew Brand
Yann LeCun, Patrick Haffner, Leon Bottou, and Yoshua Bengio
Alan. Yuille and James Caughlan
S.C. Zhu, X. Liu and Y.N. Wu
Cornelia Fermuller, Robert Pless and Yiannis Aloimonos
Paul Schrater and Daniel Kersten
David Forsyth, S. Loffe, and J. Haddon
M. Miller and L Younes,