adjective as in corresponding
adjective as in responsive
Strongest matches
noun as in returning
Strong matches
Weak matches
Example Sentences
At some spots, where they were asked to show warrants naming targeted individuals, the officers simply drove away without answering.
"Was I frustrated by this? Of course," Mayor Bass said, answering a question about water issues and whether the area was prepared enough.
For years, Huskins said, she had two questions that authorities seemed uninterested in answering: Did Muller act alone, and were there other victims out there?
Young took the stand in the trial and spent most of the time answering questions about his family, military background and his security work for corporations.
For the first time publically, the pair were inseparable while doing interviews together, answering questions about who cooks each other dinner and posting loved-up selfies.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.