verb as in be grateful, thankful
Strongest matches
verb as in increase in worth
verb as in recognize worth
Example Sentences
We must learn to appreciate our own and others’ awe-inspiring humanity.
However, those who fail to appreciate the country's divided and volatile politics can end up offending those they are attempting to charm.
He described getting the job again as being like coming home, which of course the fans appreciated.
"Thank you very much for being here tonight. I appreciate your support and I will see you in the next round," the 37-year-old said.
Many older people with highly appreciated properties don’t want to sell their homes and trigger taxable gains in excess of the $250,000-per-owner home sale exclusion.
When To Use
What are other ways to say appreciate?
To appreciate is to exercise wise judgment, delicate perception, and keen insight in realizing the worth of something. To esteem is to feel respect combined with a warm, kindly feeling. To value is to attach importance to a thing because of its worth (material or otherwise). To prize is to value highly and cherish.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.