noun as in person involved in sports
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
The article continues to describe the increased costs of all the benefits being provided to the athletes, but omits saying how these will benefit the other students.
"They had been sought out and identified as the future of the sport," the club's CEO Doug Zeghibe told me while standing alongside the rink where the two athletes trained day in and day out.
So while being an athlete or an actor — much less both — may be a dream for many, it’s just not his dream.
Ice skater Spencer Lane, 16, died alongside his mother Christine Lane, 49, and were among at least 14 athletes and coaches who died while returning from a skate camp in Wichita.
"These athletes, coaches, and family members were returning home from the National Development Camp held in conjunction with the U.S. Figure Skating Championships in Wichita, Kansas," according to a statement.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.