noun as in bad guy
noun as in villain
noun as in scoundrel
Example Sentences
I was really angry about all that, and I wanted to use the show to have a group catharsis again, where the baddies get done, and the good people come out on top.
Campaigner Sir Alan Bates has said he wants the "real baddies" involved in the Post Office scandal to be held to account.
“The main baddies in the game were Kremlings,” Wise said, pointing out a play on words that, it is safe to say, went over the head of most 10-year-olds.
So there will always be a new made-up baddie that is supposedly threatening the good white straight Christians.
But now, the “baddies aren’t gifting us things every day”, says one source, Labour in office is instead responsible for writing its own script.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.