be dishonest
verb as in two-time
Example Sentences
Why would someone who loves you deeply be dishonest about money?
It would be dishonest of me to refrain from mentioning the other common conclusion which is widespread ignorance – meaning, a lack of knowledge, education or awareness.
“I was wrong, first of all, because I believed some of the media stories that turned out to be dishonest fabrications of his record.”
“Sometimes, of course, I disagree with the president, but I’ve also been extremely open about the fact that I was wrong about Donald Trump. I was wrong, first of all, because I believed some of the media stories that turned out to be dishonest fabrications of his record,” Vance said.
Droeger said the district attorney’s office places probation officers found to be dishonest on an internal list of witnesses with credibility issues.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.