noun as in binder or fastener
noun as in association, relation
Strongest matches
Strong matches
affiliation, affinity, attachment, connection, connective, friendship, hookup, interrelationship, liaison, link, marriage, network, restraint, tie, tie-in, union
noun as in guarantee; contract
Strongest matches
certificate, debenture, obligation, security, transaction, warrant
Example Sentences
The tumultuous pace of change is reflected in the friendships of five women, whose most meaningful bond seems to be the one they have with one another.
We also need ‘social capital’ — strong community bonds that are the reason and the way we work to rebuild.
While urinating may seem wildly different than speaking, both acts can form bonds between individuals and thereby strengthen social cohesion.
He said: "For centuries, the relationship between our two nations has been one of collaboration, cooperation and enduring partnership. It is a uniquely close bond."
The measure allows the plan to assess its member carriers — once it runs through its reserves, reinsurance and catastrophe bonds — up to $1 billion to pay residential claims and $1 billion to pay commercial claims.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.