adjective as in bordering
Strongest matches
Weak matches
adjective as in jumping
adjective as in outlining
Weak match
adjective as in terminal
noun as in confinement
noun as in confining
Strong matches
noun as in outlining
Example Sentences
His passion for her grows to such a pitch that he starts bounding up stairs instead of crawling over them like a mollycoddled toddler.
Spiderman famously does whatever a spider can—including spinning webs and bounding though the air.
Under the right conditions, a collection of warm air can sometimes serve as a overhead mirror bounding sonic energy down.
"If I were in the DA's office," commented conservative attorney George Conway, "I'd be giddily bounding off the walls right now."
Actors appear to hold Particle’s hand, and Particle even does battle with metaphorical demons, his projected body bounding across a room and swirling in and out of a toilet bowl.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.