adjective as in downcast
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- bummed out
- cast down
- chapfallen
- cheerless
- crestfallen
- daunted
- dejected
- despondent
- disappointed
- disconsolate
- disheartened
- dismayed
- dispirited
- distressed
- doleful
- down in the dumps
- down-in-the-mouth
- downhearted
- dragged
- droopy
- dull
- gloomy
- glum
- heartsick
- in pain
- listless
- low-spirited
- miserable
- mopey
- morose
- oppressed
- sad
- shot down
- singing the blues
- sunk
- troubled
- weighed down
- woebegone
adjective as in incommunicable
adjective as in incommunicative
adjective as in irritable
Weak matches
- bearish
- cantankerous
- carping
- choleric
- complaining
- crabbed
- cross
- crotchety
- disputatious
- dissatisfied
- dyspeptic
- easily offended
- fiery
- fretful
- fretting
- gloomy
- grouchy
- grumbling
- hasty
- hot
- huffy
- hypercritical
- ill-humored
- irascible
- moody
- morose
- out of humor
- oversensitive
- peevish
- plaintive
- querulous
- quick-tempered
- sensitive
- snappy
- snarling
- tense
- touchy
adjective as in morbid
adjective as in solemn
adjective as in sulky
adjective as in taciturn
adjective as in tightlipped
adjective as in uncommunicable
adjective as in unsociable
Strongest match
noun as in abstraction
noun as in introspection
noun as in dwelling
Strongest matches
Strong match
Example Sentences
The brooding dads made an incredible 7,000-mile journey by boat, plane, and car to London Zoo from their remote island off the southern coast of Chile.
This track is hard rock band Disturbed's brooding but beautiful cover of the Simon and Garfunkel classic.
The candelabra, for instance, that the character is holding is identical to the one visible floating in an earlier hall scene, now implying the bride is broodingly wandering the Mansion.
Fans await new tales of Belascoarán navigating the capital’s brooding depths.
There's new music on the way from indie hero Sam Fender and brooding R&B icon The Weeknd, as well as a welcome return to pop from part-time actress Lady Gaga.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.