noun as in nightclub with musical performances
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She re-emerged in the late '80s with yet another persona, taking on the role of a cabaret artist and releasing slabs of show tunes and standards.
She had escaped an abusive marriage to musician Ike Turner at the end of the 1970s, but the divorce left her penniless, living off food stamps and playing ill-conceived cabaret shows to pay her debts.
When the band went their separate ways, Nolan had a solo career at Maggie May's cabaret show, which ran on the Central Pier for nearly a decade.
Some of the details feel marvelously resonant, especially how the off-the-clock Shelly never can scrub off every speck of glitter, or the way she keeps ripping her costume wings like some cabaret Icarus.
Her sensual cabaret, Le Razzle Dazzle, is a classic, bawdy show on the Las Vegas Strip, the kind that requires work and passion as much as it necessitates the cheeky flash of a nipple.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.