adjective as in able to perform
Strongest matches
able, accomplished, adept, adequate, competent, efficient, experienced, gifted, good, intelligent, proficient, qualified, skillful, suited, talented
Weak matches
adapted, apt, au fait, clever, dynamite, fireball, fitted, green thumb, has what it takes, having know-how, having the goods, having the right stuff, knowing the ropes, knowing the score, like a one-man band, like a pistol, masterly, old hand, old-timer, on the ball, proper, there, up, up to it, up to snuff, up to speed, veteran
Example Sentences
As well as surveillance equipment the ship can operate submersible drones capable of reaching the ocean floor.
"We wax lyrical about Mohamed Salah and know what he is capable of."
It’s also important to acknowledge what we’re capable of in this moment.
Her foundation dates back to 2010, when local business owners visited a station house that did not have a washing machine capable of cleaning the toxins from heavy turnout coats.
Why are other presidents who know the danger, the history of toxic rhetoric, and the horrors the president-elect is capable of, supporting this event?
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.