adjective as in good feeling
Strongest matches
adjective as in affluent, wealthy
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
But where they may be in a few weeks or months is a question few of them have a comfortable answer to.
Research commissioned by the charity suggests most women do not know they can make the test easier by asking for longer appointments, smaller speculums, or move to more comfortable positions.
But the Chiefs were ultimately comfortable winners, meaning they will play in their seventh straight AFC Championship game next week against either the Baltimore Ravens or the Buffalo Bills, who meet on Sunday.
"Since reading up on it, the negatives massively outweigh the positives and even when seeing Shein clothing in charity shops, I don't feel comfortable buying it."
Her house survived even as the homes of some of her neighbors were destroyed, but although she’s in safe and comfortable quarters with relatives, she wishes she could go back to her own place.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.