adjective as in done
Strong matches
Weak match
adjective as in hard
adjective as in hard-bitten
adjective as in solid
adjective as in summary
Example Sentences
Dozens of schools have been closed across the north-west of England this week since a flurry of snow turned to compacted ice.
As agricultural wells have drained water from aquifers, underground clay layers have compacted and the ground surface has been sinking as much as 1 foot per year in some areas.
"The soil is compacted, there's asphalt over them and when it rains, the water runs off into the gutters instead of into the soil."
There’s a difference between moving the ball between the 20s, however, and effectively operating in that compacted area around the goal line.
The backyard lawn took up most of the sun, and the front yard lawn, heavily shaded by the stately elm trees lining the block, was so compacted and sun-deprived “it was basically already dead.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.