adjective as in angry
Strongest matches
verb as in laugh
Example Sentences
She was recalled in November as fears about crime convulsed her city, and restaurants such as In-N-Out and Denny’s closed local outlets, citing safety concerns.
Ahead of the vote, the capital Tbilisi was convulsed on Friday by pop-up protests involving IT specialists, public sector workers, creative industry professionals, actors and lawyers.
In the last few months, Angamacutiro has seen its chief of security murdered and an ex-mayor disappeared — crimes indicative of the violence that has convulsed the western state of Michoacán.
UCLA, convulsed with protests over the Israel-Hamas war last spring, unveiled a plan to rebuild community ties with enhanced safety measures, broader dialogue.
Israel has drawn global criticism, with a U.N. court ordering Israel to halt its offensive in the southern city of Rafah, while American universities from Columbia to Stanford have been convulsed by protests.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.