noun as in agreement, bargain
Strongest matches
accord, arrangement, compromise, contract, pact, pledge, transaction
Strong matches
Strongest match
Strong matches
abundance, degree, distribution, extent, plenty, plethora, portion, quantity, shake, superabundance
noun as in distribution of playing cards
Strongest matches
Weak matches
verb as in do business
Weak matches
buy and sell, hammer out deal, horse-trade, knock down price, work out deal
Example Sentences
The other key offseason task the Dodgers have yet to complete: a contract extension for Roberts, whose deal is set to expire at the end of the year.
"It was so much quicker and much less of a bigger deal," Jack says.
Trump regularly changes his rationale for tariffs - either to coerce diplomatic change, to deal with trade imbalances or to raise significant revenues.
"But there's a solution right under her nose: a new UK-EU customs union deal that boosts trade for British businesses and raises vital tax revenue for our public services."
The key gateway, a vital conduit for aid, has reopened as part of a ceasefire and hostage deal between Hamas and Israel.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.