deep fry
Example Sentences
Beef tallow and butter cost more than canola oil, and deep-frying a turkey requires pricey equipment and space — like that now-burned mansion — that is often not available to working-class people.
He tended a vegetable garden, took care of about 20 chickens and has been the family chef, she said, making amazing Vietnamese-style garlic noodles, smoked meats and deep-fried crab.
Usually deep-fried for a satisfying crunch, or ground to a fine powder, they were unlike meats, which made for versatile cooking, from braises to barbecue.
If you’re planning to get fried in the land of deep-fried everything, there are a few things you’ll need to know: First, you’ll only be able to consume cannabis products purchased on-site.
“This man is about to be in a world of deep-fried hurt.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.