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View definitions for deepest


adjective as in most deep

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A statement said: "The Church in Wales is appalled at the offences which have been revealed in this case and expresses its deepest sympathy with the victim for the abuse they have suffered."

From BBC

"We are all together in wishing Jordan and Reighan the deepest of love and well wishes."

From BBC

She was like, “I want to play the deepest cuts.”

My deepest regret is that the Biden administration did not do enough to amplify their good work throughout the last four years and remind the broader American population of the benefits they were producing.

From Salon

“Art’s preoccupation with secrecy can feast on the deepest parts of you. But its mysteries can also energize something profound within,” Bond observes in “The Elusive Subconscious.”

From Salon


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


