Example Sentences
TikTok, for instance, is awash in medical disinformation, people claiming to be haunted by demons, and charlatans offering psychic readings through the computer.
It was a similar story in Mahomes' other Super Bowl loss, also a blowout against Tampa Bay, and maybe some demons from that game contributed as he had arguably the worst game of his career.
An animated film about a boy who battles demons with his magical powers has become China's highest-grossing film ever and a source of national pride.
It's a genuine surprise the authors of this order held back from claims that teachers summoned demons or practiced witchcraft, though you know they say that stuff to each other off the clock.
Hindu scriptures recount the legend of the Samudra Manthan - the churning of the ocean of milk by gods and demons in search of the nectar of immortality.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.