noun as in bottom
noun as in bowels
noun as in gulf
noun as in midst
noun as in recess
noun as in rock bottom
Strongest match
Example Sentences
Nearly as quickly as the Lakers sprinted to the top of their powers Monday in Charlotte, they plummeted to their depths, a 23-point first-quarter lead dwindling all the way down to two in the fourth.
But he didn’t want to burden anyone, so he never told the whole story, tiptoeing instead around the depths of his darkness, never once uttering the word “suicide” out loud.
He described the evidence during the trial as "harrowing" and said it "plunges to the depths of human depravity".
But Spurs' season plunged to new depths on Sunday with a 2-1 loss to Leicester City, who had been on a seven-match losing streak before arriving in north London.
"Grief is the terrible reminder of the depths of our love and, like love, grief is non-negotiable."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.