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View definitions for desuetude


noun as in state of not being in use

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Certainly we must now be set on a path to mental decay and desuetude.

That photograph, when seen on the gallery wall, potently conveys the quandary of a man, aging but still vigorous, who has been consigned to pampered desuetude in his Palm Desert retirement.

By the fourth century, the gardens had apparently fallen into desuetude, and statuary in the abandoned pavilions was broken into pieces to build the foundations of a series of spas.

“This is the eschaton through lack of access, but also through human atrophy, debility, the desuetude of critical function.”

This is the eschaton through lack of access, but also through human atrophy, debility, the desuetude of critical function.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


