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View definitions for double meaning

double meaning

noun as in double entendre

noun as in equivocalness

noun as in play on words

noun as in pun

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It struck me then, and strikes me now, as carrying a ham-fisted double meaning: Nearly nobody got what they wanted from Trump’s first presidency, but one could argue, at least for a while, that “we” — meaning both Americans and the people of the world — got a lesson we both needed and deserved.

From Salon

He simply defined it as a rhetorical device involving a double meaning.

From Salon

Each word, whether French or Quechuan, seemed to hold double meaning, so full-bodied was her vocal production.

The title of her memoir, “Over the Influence,” has a double meaning.

The phrase “set list” has a double meaning: it’s the lineup of songs, but for most artists the list is also fairly set; they may rotate a few songs in and out, but they generally stick to what they’ve rehearsed.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


