adjective as in freed from responsibility
Strongest match
Strong matches
verb as in relieve, absolve
Example Sentences
All travellers must now apply and pay for an ETA at least three days before their trip to Kenya, unless they are citizens of an exempted country.
Thank goodness, just when I was beginning to worry that famous people have become exempt from karma’s fickle wrath.
Like other clinics, Cell Surgical has asserted that its products are exempt from oversight because, as reimplantations of a customer’s own tissue, they don’t meet the law’s definition of “drugs.”
Presidents are legally exempt from federal conflict of interest laws but are subject to a clause in the Constitution that prohibits federal officials from accepting anything of value from foreign government sources, The Times reports.
The Biden administration said 18 allies and partners, including the UK, were exempt from the restrictions.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.