adjective as in surrounded by a frame
adjective as in arranged beforehand
adjective as in made of wood
Strongest match
Strong matches
Example Sentences
"Most, if not all, politicians in the conservative party of President Yoon are devout Christians, and they have framed marriage equality as a 'leftist agenda', which could potentially open society to a 'leftist, communist takeover'."
In one particularly surreal scene, a Guard Humvee sat framed by tall palm trees outside the stately entrance to the Bel-Air Bay Club in Pacific Palisades.
Trump has had multiple “villain seasons,” she adds, but he’s also experienced several redemption arcs, most notably following the assassination attempt last summer, when the media framed him in a heroic light.
Roy has maintained his innocence and said previously that he was being framed.
Estrada eventually focused on a framed letter from students at Utah Street Span School in Boyle Heights, which he’s visited for years.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.