adjective as in worldwide, all-encompassing
Strongest matches
Weak matches
all-around, all-inclusive, all-out, blanket, catholic, cosmic, cosmopolitan, earthly, ecumenical, encyclopedic, exhaustive, general, grand, mundane, pandemic, planetary, spherical, sweeping, thorough, total, unbounded, unlimited, world
Example Sentences
Both organizations are crucial for sustaining global public health.
She also suggested that she would bring on AECOM, the global engineering giant, to tackle the time-consuming paperwork that must be assembled to seek reimbursement from the Federal Emergency Management Agency for wildfire-related expenses.
It funds independent foreign media and civil society activists, advancing global freedom and security.
That led to a stop work order at USAID, which has in turn upended the global aid system as hundreds of programmes have been frozen in countries around the world.
In other words, the GEA works hand-in-glove with the Saudi Public Investment Fund that owns LIV Golf and other deep pockets to expand into an array of global sports by investing megamillions.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.