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go on the record for

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"The goal is to get Trump to go on the record because he has a history of saying things out of court that he won't go on the record for."

From Salon

“The goal is to get Trump to go on the record because he has a history of saying things out of court that he won’t go on the record for.”

He made his thoughts and irritation known to the Times in the first weeks of the shortened 2020 season, but he preferred to only speak on background and not go on the record for logical reasons.

But the vote will force Republicans to go on the record for the first time on whether Ms. Greene should be punished for her past comments, and it will force them to confront head-on the conspiracy theories that Mr. Trump allowed to flourish, and in some cases fed, while he was in the White House.

The best McConnell could do is get Democrats to go on the record for preserving the legislative filibuster and charge them with high hypocrisy if they change their minds.

From Slate


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


