adjective as in clear
Strongest matches
adjective as in comprehensible
Strongest matches
Strong match
adjective as in intelligible
adjective as in lucid
adjective as in luminous
adjective as in well-defined
Example Sentences
But of course, as you grow older, the world — society — tries to teach you something else and make you feel like those things aren’t as graspable.
It’s a paradox, in a way, because she’s really only graspable in the way in the movie.
A strand of me seemed to shake itself loose and offer itself as distinct, as graspable.
If nothing else, it will put a face to the issue and make it more graspable than the technical presentations of scientists, Quinn said.
He coaxes us readers deep into weeds of Tessa’s research, rendering technical details about things like “limping iambic” poetic meter, not only graspable, but engrossing.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.