adjective as in heart-wrenching
adjective as in heartbreaking
adjective as in distressing
Strong matches
Weak matches
adjective as in grievous
Strongest matches
adjective as in harrowing
adjective as in poignant
adjective as in sad
Strongest matches
adjective as in touching
Strong matches
adjective as in tragic
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
I’ll lean toward four docs that the Directors Guild nominated — “Daughters,” “Porcelain War,” “Soundtrack to a Coup d’Etat” and “Sugarcane” — and then add my favorite, the heart-rending “No Other Land,” a look at the devastating costs of displacement in the southern West Bank.
"We have some heart-rending stories from families of people with disabilities, who feel that when they don't have cash accepted, it is robbing them of their self-esteem," he said.
Since the early 1990s, Gilmour’s frequent lyrical collaborator has been wife Polly Sampson, whose sensitivity and topicality often reveals a heart-rending reality that’s never heavy-handed.
For anyone who needs a gut-punch primer in what the lack of reproductive freedom looks like now, the propulsive documentary “Zurawski v Texas” from co-directors Maisie Crow and Abbie Perrault is here to put your voting decisions into sharply delineated, heart-rending focus.
And “Normal Thing,” a grower from Abrams’ latest album, was transformed with a heart-rending drum build.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.